FDPS05 Lavender Frost

31 kr

22 kr

 "Pearl spray" water-based ink  and consists of a pearlescent  pigment, a special adhesive material, and  purified water. "Pearl spray"  is non-toxic, acid free and designed to  coat paper, cardboard,  fiberboard, wood, fabric, and any surfaces coated  with primer. The  palette consists of soft, natural, translucent colors.  After drying,  the surface forms a pearl coating. The colors are blended  together to  form new tints. 

 ATTENTION! Over the time pearlescent particles  deposite on the bottom  of the bottle. Before using the spray should be  shaken vigorousl

 Do not give to children under 14 years. 

 Work in rubber gloves. 

 After work clean the sprayer with a wet cloth and seal the protective cover. 

 Store life is 2 years. 

 Store in a dark place at a temperature of + 5C to + 25C. 

 Vol. 50ml